
What's the difference between pleasure and torture?
Pleasure is thinking of you & torture is thinking of you too much.

When you feel alone just look at the spaces between your fingers
remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked
with yours 4ever!!!

I opened my purse and found it empty .
I reached in to my pocket and found a few coins then
I searched my heart and found you!
That's when I realized how rich I am

You've been called b4 cupids court for stealing my heart.
trespassing in my dreams & robin me of my senses.
You've been sentenced to a lifetime with me- how do u plead?

1st time I saw you I was scared to touch you.
1st time I touched you I was scared to kiss you.
1st time I kiss you I was scared to love you.
But now that I love you I'm scared to lose you!

I have a little angel flying around with a hammer,
each person she hits get a little bit of my love...
I hope she beats the hell out of you...!

To live this life I need a heartbeat.
To have a heartbeat I need a heart,
to have heart I need happiness.
To have happiness I need you!

I asked God 4 a rose & he gave me a garden.
I ask God for a drop of water & he gave me an ocean.
I asked God 4 an angel &he gave me you!

Why do birds fall from the sky every time you walk by?
Why do stars fall from the sky?
cause like me they want to be near you!

One day you'll ask me:
"what's more important to you- me or your life?"
I will say "my life" and you'll go and leave without
even knowing that you are my life

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